Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Project Lead the Way Day at the Capitol

Governor Walker has proclaimed March 19-23 Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Week in Wisconsin. Wednesday was designated as Project Lead the Way Day at the Capitol.

Belleville was one of just nine school districts from around the state that was asked to showcase its PLTW students and projects. Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch spoke with Belleville students and teachers shortly before noon.  During her address to all the gathered students, she mentioned only one student- Julia McNamar of Belleville!

In the last three years, Belleville has incorporated PLTW in grades K-12, with Launch in the elementary school and Gateway in the middle school. Our efforts in this short period of time are now being recognized at the state level! Congratulations and thank yous go out to Ed Neumann and Julia Xistris for leading this initiative!