Thursday, May 9, 2019

Middle School Band and Choir Concert

On Thursday, May 9, 7th and 8th grade Band and Choir students, along with their 6th grade counterparts from the Elementary School, performed in the Spring concert under the direction or Mrs. Meir and Mrs. Krueger. During the 6th grade portion of the concert to begin the evening, middle school students Ella Blask, Holly Flick, Coral Kramer, and Alexa Lindstrom played roles on stage for "Aunt Rhodies' Appetite."
Mrs. Meir then led about 75 7th and 8th graders in Band through four songs, including "Danger Zone" from the "Top Gun" soundtrack.
Finally, Mrs. Krueger led almost 90 7th and 8th graders in the Choir through an additional four songs, including "Humble and Kind" and another '80s hit, "Africa." Their final song of the night, "Songs of a Disney Hero," featured soloists Jenna McKnight, Alexa Lindstrom, and Jordyn Roberts.
It was a tremendous display of young musical talent!